Businesses are blooming all year round at Bloomfield Center!
New shops with fresh ideas are opening up next to those that have been around for generations and they're proving that small businesses can not only survive - but thrive - in downtown Bloomfield.
Demographics are shifting and opportunities abound for this diverse and saturated market, which makes Bloomfield Center the perfect launching point for your brand new business or the most lucrative location to expand your franchise.
Give the BCA a call to answer your questions at 973-429-8050. If we can't help with a specific need we'll be happy to point you in the right direction.
Here are a collection of forms that are frequently requested for your convenience. If you're not seeing what your looking for, you'll find many more forms at the township website.
2024 Outdoor Dining -Sidewalk Cafe License Application
Main Street New Jersey Storefront and Facade Guidelines
2021 Application for Outdoor-Sidewalk Cafe License -Initial (PDF)
2021 Application for Outdoor-Sidewalk Cafe License - Renewal (PDF)
Business License Application (PDF)
Certificate of Continued Occupancy Application and Information (PDF)
Zoning Sign Application (PDF)
Zoning Prerequisite for Change of Use or Occupancy (PDF)